Energetic, outspoken, competitive and generally awesome!!
StudySoup is the #1 peer to peer college learning marketplace.
Our mission is to empower students to do more with their education. StudySoup gives students a collaborative platform to buy and sell notes and study guides from any device, improving study behaviors and organizing course materials right on the cloud.
We’re a premier San Francisco based company, and we’ve raised money from the most prestigious investors and accelerator in Silicon Valley. This is a 12 week part-time marketing internship and upon successful completion of the position there is an opportunity for a full-time paid position
The team is a group of young, hard-working, fun-loving new grads, and we see big things in the future of StudySoup. Eager to shift the current education landscape, we have dedicated ourselves to actively improving the learning experience of our peers. Today, StudySoup helps college students nation-wide and is growing by thousands of users each month. Sometimes we feel guilty about how much we love what we do. But only sometimes.
You'll be working on your campus!
Join us if you want to grab a young, successful start-up by the horns and transform it to the next level.