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Web Internship



Web Internship

  • Responsibilities

    Fast forward: Thanks for doing a fantastic job as our 2015 Web Developer Intern. You’ve excelled at maintaining, editing, and documenting our stable of web properties. You spent much of your time creating all of our outbound HTML emails, & managed them through MailChimp, our email service provider.

  • Qualifications

    While we’re less concerned with your skills and qualifications, we won’t compromise on your ability to deliver team results.

  • Compensation
    <p>We’d like this paid internship to begin the first full week in January, with the ideal individual working 30 to 40 hours per week, but offer flexibility to the right candidate.</p>
  • Industry
  • About Us

    User Interface Engineering is a leading research, training, and consulting firm specializing in web site and product usability. Jared M. Spool and his team of researchers oversee a variety of events and publications.