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Graphic Designer/Artist

Fresh Prints

Fresh Prints

Graphic Designer/Artist

  • Responsibilities

    Being an artist at Fresh Prints lets you apply your design skills to a real product that is actually manufactured. You’ll be working with clients and campus managers to create amazing graphic designs, and frequent proofs, to come up with creative solutions and graphic designs for apparel.

  • Qualifications

    Need to be very proficient with Adobe Illustrator, easily and frequently accessible to phone and email, be able to withstand a 24 hour proof turnaround time. Applicants will need to provide a graphic design portfolio when applying.

  • Compensation
    Artists are compensated on a per-proof basis depending on the complexity of the design. Proofs can take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour and are compensated anywhere in the range of $6-$25. Most of our artists average $300-$500 per month.
  • Industry
  • Fun Fact
    We have a weekly spicy mayo taste off to see who on the team makes it best.
  • About Us

    We're a team of 20 semi-adults and more than 120 college students who make custom apparel (think tees, sweaters etc) at schools across the country. The students are all Campus Managers who run the business on their campuses.