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Student Brand Ambassador



Student Brand Ambassador

  • Responsibilities

    Your job is to give away free rides to people who have not used Lyft yet. Free rides can be given away anywhere: parties, school events, at the park, social media, and many other places.

  • Related Video
  • Qualifications

    I'm interviewing top talent to join our small marketing team. If you're a hustler and have marketing/sales/management experience, you should apply. We’re looking for influential and energetic people to help us take Lyft to new heights and make great money along the way.

  • Compensation
    <p>We'll pay you $10 for every free Lyft ride you give to someone who hasn't tried the Lyft service yet. People love Lyft when they try it. </p> <p>Cash bonuses will be paid when you hit certain goals.</p> <p>Strong performers will be considered for advancement within the company.</p>
  • Industry
    Transportation / Trucking / Railroad
  • About Us

    Lyft is your friend with a car, whenever you need one. Download the app, and get a ride from a friendly driver within minutes. Its cheaper and much nicer than a taxi.