2024 Cosmetology Internships in Atlanta, GA

Want to intern in a seriously powerful city? Then consider an internship in Atlanta, Georgia. Metro Atlanta is home to the third largest concentration of Fortune 500 companies, and the city is the seventh most-visited in all of America. This means that Atlanta internships are highly sought after and well-respected across the country, as well as the world. It’s also a great place to be in general; known as the “City of Trees,” you’ll find solace in the many parks the city has to offer, like Piedmont and Southside. But of course, it has its major city benefits too, like the extremely popular High Museum of Art, the Georgia Aquarium (the largest indoor aquarium in the world), and incredible nightlife. Internships in Atlanta can be scored at major companies like Coca-Cola, which has its headquarters here, or Delta Air Lines. Atlanta interns at cool businesses such as these will be kept plenty busy between meaningful work experience and all the sights and attractions of the city. Because interning in Atlanta is about immersing yourself in rich history and culture while picking up valuable knowledge along the way. Whether you’re in the office or enjoying a show at the Fox Theatre, you’ll love the time you spend here during your Atlanta internship.

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