2024 Cosmetology Internships in Delaware

Delaware is the state of liberty and independence. If you want to be a trailblazer in the state the was the first to ratify the United States Constitution, then you should look into Delaware internships. There are many companies located in this small east coast state that can give you the crucial experience you need to get ahead in your career. Dover, the capital of Delaware, provides many government internships in the legislative, judicial, and executive branches that may appeal to Political Science and American Government majors. For other students who want to intern in Delaware, there are many companies to consider. There are great opportunities that await students from nearby Wesley College and University of Delaware. Delaware State Parks has an awesome program for Delaware interns that provides training for students and recent graduates in accounting, zoo keeping, marketing, and many more fields. If you have a need for speed, Delaware is home to the Dover International Speedway, which hosts a few NASCAR races each year. If you have never been there you should visit while interning in Delaware, to see the giant concrete monster that gave the track it’s nickname: “The Monster Mile”. Internships in Delaware are the best way to get your career into the fast lane, so apply for some today!

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