Achieving Your Career Goals, As Told By Olivia Pope

Achieving Your Career Goals, As Told By Olivia Pope

You just went from WayUp boss to real world employee, graduating and scoring your dream job. Life is pretty great right now, but you can’t stop there — you’ll need to start thinking about your next move. Is your goal recognition? More responsibility? A higher position? Whatever the case, there’s only one person who can teach you how to become a major power player: Olivia Pope, played by Kerry Washington.

Welcome to Achieving Your Career Goals 101, gladiators.

From here on out, you’re in the big leagues. Only associate with decision makers.

Make it clear to everyone around you that your skills and your experience make you the cream of the crop.

Anyone who doubts that is in for a harsh dose of reality.

Sleep with one eye open tonight, haters.

Know that being a people pleaser won’t get you the position you want…

…Unless you want to be President of Candyland.

Your team cannot hold you back. So whenever there’s a new task or project, give clear instructions what needs to be done.

Make everyone aware that there will be consequences if it’s not done well.

Always state your end-goal: #gettingpaper.

When it seems like your back is against the wall, you have several options – and giving up isn’t one of them.scandal abc olivia pope

If there’s a problem, be the first person to address it head-on.

Small distractions may come up. Prioritize them accordingly.

Don’t let anyone try to brand you, and if they do, set the record straight.

television scandal olivia pope

television scandal olivia pope

Always dress to impress.

Because after all, this is your time to shine.

Finally, if anyone or anything stands in your way…