Head East: Internships Abroad with Gengo and CRCC Asia

Jenny Xie
Head East: Internships Abroad with Gengo and CRCC Asia

airplaneInternships can illuminate much about a professional life—your aptitude for the position, for example, or your passion for the field. Internships abroad, however, deepen the experience by introducing you to new cultures and customs that develop your personal life as well. In an increasingly globalized economy, having an overseas internship is an invaluable introduction to your chosen field. Not only do you learn how international influences shape the industry, but also how you can be sensitive—and respond—to those changes.

One opportunity lies with Gengo, a Tokyo-based startup offering translation services that best the garbled output of online dictionaries. Their compensated positions place you at the cultural and innovative heart of Japan. As a marketing intern, you’ll create content and manage social media to rope in new customers, using market analysis to ensure Gengo’s growth. The technical support intern will gain expertise in localization, API integrations, and customer service. Visit the Gengo campus hub for a complete list of internships.

Programs at CRCC Asia place students in the bustling city centers of Beijing or Shanghai. These cultural hubs are ideal settings for aspirants in a wide selection of fields ranging from business to green tech, energy, and sustainability. The program fee ranges from $2895 to $4895 depending on the duration of your internship. It covers all your bases—pre-departure paperwork, accommodations, social and cultural events, and “survival” Chinese lessons—so that you’ll hit the ground running in one of the most vibrant cities of the world. Visit the CRCC Asia campus hub for a complete list of internships.

While international internships afford you incredible learning experiences and room for professional growth, they can also be hard to afford. We don’t usually encourage students to pay for an internship program, but given the right resources, some students stand to benefit from interning abroad. Inquire at your university about travel grants, or check out this article on student grants for a list of leads.

Photo Credit: Aleksander Markin via Compfight cc