How it Got Started (Pt. 4) – Instead of a Thesis, a Business Plan

Nathan Parcells
How it Got Started (Pt. 4) – Instead of a Thesis, a Business Plan

Instead of writing a thesis, I wrote a business plan. I began writing during the summer between my junior and senior year, in a hot and sweaty space rented in Brooklyn. As a Political Science major, I had some serious catching up to do in terms of my business acumen. Benjamin Wald, a longtime close friend and serial entrepreneur, helped keep me motivated and excited in the fledgling idea stage. With my business plan written, and rewritten (many times), I finally got to the point where I was ready to try to raise some seed capital so that I could work on InternMatch fulltime after graduation. I raised the money I needed, packed my bags, and drove cross-country to Seattle.

So that’s the rather lengthy story of how I got my start. Maybe next time I’ll talk about why I chose Seattle and some of the other key people who are now involved in InternMatch.