How to Get Pumped Up for Your Interview: Drake Edition

Sophie Houser - WayUp Intern
How to Get Pumped Up for Your Interview: Drake Edition

The time has come. Your interview for that dream job is minutes away and you’re freaking out. Are you sweating profusely in places you didn’t even know you could? Is your throat dry? Is your vision distorted? Are you questioning every single decision you ever made since you exited the womb? If so, don’t worry, Drake is here to help!

You’re 30 minutes early, silently freaking out at a coffee shop nearby.

interview pump upEverybody. Remain. Calm.

Those interview answers you memorized aren’t sounding so great anymore.

interview pump upIs being proficient in Word really a skill!?

But on your way to the interview you catch your reflection in a storefront window and remember how exceptional you look today.

interview pump upVia

Yasss, work it.

And then you’re like: wait, I’m awesome.

You reflect on all your unique interests that you love talking about…

interview pump upVia

i.e. You clean a tracksuit like no one else

…and all your incredible skills.

Being fly on the dance floor DOES count.

And hey, what’s the worst that could happen?

Unemployment? You were workin’ the lemonade stand at age 5.

Even Drake wants you to succeed.


Yes, he is applauding just for you.

Now go kick some boo-tay in that interview.

You started from the bottom now you’re HERE!