It’s Not You, It’s Me

Nina Boyd
It’s Not You, It’s Me

How to (Politely) Turn Down a Job Offer

Finding the right job is often compared to dating. As creepy as that may sound, sometimes it takes a little practice to figure out exactly what you want. We get that.

Along the way, you may find that one company you once thought was the perfect fit just isn’t at the top of your list anymore. Don’t panic. This is OK. It’s part of the process. So, how do you turn down a job offer?

This realization can happen in several ways. Maybe you made it to the first round, and you just didn’t vibe in your interview. Maybe you got all the way to an offer letter and realized that there was another opportunity calling your name. Either way, it’s important to let the other company know, rather than unnecessarily burning any bridges.

A few tips on how to let them down easy:

ASAP. Let the company know as soon as you realize that you won’t be moving forward. It’s best not to waste their time or yours. Even more importantly, you could be holding someone else’s spot who is desperately trying to work there!

Be honest. This can be an awkward task, but honesty is always the best policy. Let them know that at this point in time, you just don’t feel that this job is the right fit for you.

Be polite. While this might not be the perfect job for you, you still admire what the company stands for and what they’ve accomplished in the past.

Keep your connections open. While you might not be accepting an offer today, you hope to keep a dialogue open with them in the future.

Yes, it’s true, writing one of these emails is comparable to ripping off a bandaid. However, it is truly helpful for the employer, and a MUCH better solution than simply ignoring your inbox and hoping it goes away (this never works, FYI). Plus, just think, if you have to turn down a job, that probably means you’re out there killing it with your applications, so it’s not all bad :)