What Can I Do With an Environmental Studies Major?

Kema Christian-Taylor - WayUp Staff
What Can I Do With an Environmental Studies Major?

As an Environmental Studies major, one of the must frustrating comments you’ll get — second only to claims that climate change isn’t real — will question the value of your degree. By now, you should know to turn to the haters and say that you’re changing the world we live in, but what do you say to potential employers when you apply to jobs outside of your major?

Simple: You identify and state your transferrable skills. Your field of study has taught you skills that are valuable in any career you choose — related to your major or not. If you don’t have a clue what those skills are, we’re here to help. Talk up these three things that you’ve learned as an environmental studies major, and you’ll wow any interviewer.

Cognizance. You’re carefully studying the way we interact with the natural world and our impact on it. Whether we’re using the Earth’s resources for food, energy or medicinal purposes, we have to be mindful of how quickly we’re burning through our natural supply – and as an Environmental Studies major, this is top of mind for you.

Cognizance is a valuable trait to have in the workplace because that kind of awareness is often paired with a high level of consideration. You can use this trait to have better interactions with your supervisor, your co-workers and your clients. It even helps to improve the quality of your own work.

Problem-solving. Brainstorming ways to think of a sustainable future? That’s no small feat. Your innovative problem-solving skills are indispensable for any business trying to handle an issue that’s small or completely overwhelming. On top of that, you have people telling you that there’s no point in even trying since the world is doomed anyway…so add perseverance to your list of unique qualities.

Research skills. In order to determine the best way to regulate our behavior when it comes to preserving the natural world, it takes intensive research. The type of thoroughness you apply to your coursework will help you to make intelligent, informed decisions in the working world — decisions that your colleagues will be able to trust.

Remember: Your major neither defines nor restricts you – it only expands your knowledge and skill set in ways that other candidates may not have experienced, and that’s a great leg up to have in the job search!