How Long Does a Background Check Take? 2024 Guide with 20+ Tips


How long does a background check take?

A background check can be completed in a few minutes and can also take a few days based on the data sources and the information requested. You will get all the details related to the background check process in this intuitive guide.

Background checks in a recruitment process make some applicants hesitate and some excited.

Numerous individuals across the globe have a common question in mind, ‘how long does a background check take?’

Here we have tried to answer the following questions regarding the background check process:

A job background check is one of the most underrated yet essential parts of your recruitment process. Let us dig a bit more about this process and the steps it follows.

Meanwhile, get your resume reviewed by professionals here at Hiration’s Online Resume Review.

What Is a Background Check?

As its name defines, the background check is a process of ensuring a clear professional and personal history of an applicant. In this process, the recruiter will analyze all of your details and connect with your previous employers and other sources if needed to get your detailed report.

It is one of the most important parts of a recruitment process that maintains a healthy and responsible workforce in the organization. For a smooth background check process, you are recommended to mention your detailed professional history during the application process.

What Do Background Checks Consist Of?

A background check can differ as per your targeted opportunity, however, there are 3 important factors that every employer considers before onboarding you:

  • Education History
  • Employment History
  • Credit History

The employer will verify all the educational degrees mentioned in your resume. Hence, it is very important, to be honest in terms of highlighting your education details to avoid discrepancies. Apart from this, your employer will ensure the accuracy and relevancy of all the professional experience points listed in the resume.

Make sure that every detail is accurate and validated with suitable proof if required at any point. Some companies also check the credit history of applicants to ensure their financial stability and credibility.

Background check procedures and policies change according to the territory in the United States. Hence, you need to ensure the job background check types of your targeted company to estimate your selection chances.

How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Job?

Numerous job applicants are struggling with a single question, “how long do background checks take?” Let us clear this out with a pinch of research.

Background checks for employment can be of many types and their turnaround time depends on the data source limitations, the type of requested information, and all the legal requirements. Here you can check out the average background check time:

Federal Background Checks2 days
Fingerprint Background Checks1 to 3 days
Employment Background Checks1 to 5 days
Universal Background Checks2 days
Criminal Background Checks1 to 2 weeks

The time of your background check can differ as per the company location and number of applicants. Hence, you are advised not to stick with the timeline mentioned above and be patient to get the final results.

Why Is My Background Check Taking So Long?

There might be an issue if your background check takes more than two weeks. It is also possible that your recruiter has rejected your application after checking your background. In such a case, you can expect your recruiter to contact you and clarify some details.

The delay can also be caused by the background check company as the higher authorities have a lot of tasks to deal with. Hence, you need to keep patience for some days even after the estimated time.

Apart from this, there might be chances wherein the recruiters might have completed the background check but are unable to make the final decision. The number of applicants can be a reason for this issue, which needs time to get resolved.



Reply from Your Recruiter

As you can see, background checks may take more time than anticipated, and for which, you might not get an immediate call. You can feel free to send a follow-up email if you do not get any update even after one week.

If you still do not get any response, it means your employer is still engaged in the background checks of other applicants. Hence, you must wait for at least a week to follow up next time for the required details.

Does Your Recruiter Have to Disclose the Reason for Your Failed Background Check?

Yes, it is your right to get a detailed report of your background checks to see what went wrong. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), every employer has to pass two notices to the applicant while taking any action based on the information obtained in the background check report.

Generally, applicants get a detailed report of their background checks. However, if you do not get any copy of your background check report before your rejection, you have all the rights to take action against the employer as per the FCRA.

What If My Background Check Is Wrong?

Firstly, you need to get the report of your background check from your recruiter. After that, you can ask the background check service provider to re-investigate your outcomes. The company might ask you to provide additional information and verify the existing details.

The updated information will help them in rectifying the incorrect information present with verified proof. You will get a new background check report after this process that can be sent to your recruiter.

Are Background Check Delays Possible?

Yes, background checks can be delayed due to numerous reasons. Getting a job can take many days due to the huge number of applicants and lengthy processes. You might have to wait even after getting shortlisted in the interview round. A background check generally delays due to the following reasons:

  • Lack of paper trail
  • International experience
  • Name verification
  • Multiple checks
  • Multiple residences

An applicant can avoid delays by following these guidelines:

  • Sign release forms and authorizations
  • Provide accurate information

FAQs on Background Check Process

Here are some FAQs related to the background check process:

  • How can we check the status of our Background Check Process?
    Initially, you can contact the authorized person in the company wherein you have applied for a job. If you get no response, you can also contact the company that is handling the background check process if you have their contact details.
  • Should I contact HR if I did not get my background check report but got selected?
    No, if you are selected that means everything is fine. Your recruiter would have contacted you with rejection news if there were issues in your background check.
  • It has been 4 days since my recruiter checked my background. Should I follow up?
    Have some patience as your recruiter will have to check the background of numerous individuals to pick the right fit for the company. You should contact your recruiter after one week to get precise information.
  • My background check report returned with a statement that I am not eligible to work at the daycare. Why?
    There might be some reasons that popped up in the background check that made you unsuitable to work with children. You can ask for the background check report to get the issue from the company to which you are applying. If the company is unable to provide the same then you can pursue claims against your recruiter under the FCRA.
  • What should be the turnaround time for most common background checks in the United States?

The below-given table has the turnaround times for common background checks in America:

Bankrupcy Reports1 to 2 days
County Civil3 to 5 days
Federal Civil2 to 3 days
Federal Criminal1 to 3 days
National Warrants1 to 2 days
County Criminal1 to 3 days
Statewide CriminalVaries according to state

Other information collected during phone interviews like education, and employment details also require background checks.

Check out the below-given table to know the turnaround time for all other background checks in the country:

Employment Verification2 to 3 days
Professional License Verification2 to 3 days
Education Verification2 to 3 days
Reference Checks2 to 3 days

Bottom Line

Reaching the background check round is great, however, you should not stop your job hunting until you get a job.

This content is proudly provided by our partners at Hiration.

What is a Technical Writer: Unveiling the Role and Beyond for 2024-25


In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the term “technical writer” may seem mysterious to many. What exactly do they do, and is it limited to the realm of Information technology?

We will help you understand the multifaceted role of a technical writer, break through common misconceptions, and explore the journey to becoming one.

Whether you’re a job seeker looking for a career path or simply curious about this profession, we’ll delve into the essence of technical writing, qualifications, skills, and real-world examples that illustrate its profound impact across industries.

What is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is the art of conveying complex information clearly and concisely.

It involves the creation of various types of documents, such as user manuals, product guides, reports, and documentation for software and hardware systems.

The core purpose is to make technical information understandable to non-technical readers, facilitating comprehension and problem-solving. Here are some examples of technical documents:

  • User Manuals: These guides empower users to navigate and optimize the functionality of products, software, or equipment, ensuring a seamless experience.
  • Assembly Instructions: Step-by-step instructions that simplify the process of assembling complex products, from furniture to electronics.
  • Technical Reports: Comprehensive documents used to present research findings, project progress, or technical data analysis in a structured and accessible format.
  • API Documentation: Vital for software developers, API documentation elucidates the functions, endpoints, and data formats needed to interact with a particular application or system.
  • Scientific Research Papers: These papers communicate the methods, results, and significance of scientific experiments or studies, contributing to the knowledge base of various fields.

Is Technical Writing an IT Job?

Contrary to popular belief, technical writing is not exclusive to the IT sector.

While it is prevalent in the technology industry, technical writers find employment in diverse fields, including healthcare, engineering, manufacturing, and finance.

They play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between complex technical concepts and end-users, regardless of the industry. Following are the industries where technical writers are essential:

Information TechnologySoftware User Guides, API Documentation
HealthcareMedical Device Manuals, Research Papers
EngineeringProduct Specifications, Maintenance Guides
ManufacturingProcess Documentation, Quality Reports
FinanceFinancial Reports, Compliance Manuals

How to Become a Technical Writer?

Becoming a technical writer involves a structured path that combines education, practical experience, and the development of specific skills.

Here are the steps to embark on this fulfilling career journey:

  • Educational Background: Many technical writers hold bachelor’s degrees in fields such as English, communication, journalism, or a technical discipline related to the industry they wish to work in.
  • Gain Experience: Internships, freelance work, or volunteer opportunities can provide valuable hands-on experience. Building a portfolio of diverse projects is crucial to demonstrate your skills to potential employers.
  • Networking: Join professional organizations like the Society for Technical Communication (STC) to connect with industry experts and stay updated on trends.
  • Learn Technical Tools: Familiarize yourself with industry-standard software tools like Adobe FrameMaker, MadCap Flare, or Microsoft Word to efficiently create and format technical documents.
  • Continual Learning: Stay updated with evolving technologies and industry trends to remain relevant in your chosen field.
  • How to Become a Technical Writer with No Experience
  • Entering the field of technical writing without prior experience is not only possible, but also a viable option. Here’s a strategic roadmap to help you kickstart your career:
  • Self-Study: Invest time in self-study to familiarize yourself with technical writing principles, style guides (e.g., Chicago Manual of Style, Microsoft Manual of Style), and industry-specific terminology. Online resources, textbooks, and courses can be valuable allies.
  • Build a Portfolio: Even without professional experience, create a portfolio of technical writing samples. Write user manuals for common devices, document software installation procedures, or craft how-to guides for everyday tasks. This showcases your skills and dedication.
  • Volunteer and Freelance: Seek volunteer opportunities or freelance projects to gain practical experience. Non-profit organizations, open-source software projects, and local businesses often welcome help with documentation.
  • Join Communities: Engage with the technical writing community through forums, social media, and industry-specific groups as it can lead to opportunities and valuable insights.
  • Online Courses and Certifications: Consider enrolling in online courses or obtaining technical writing certifications to further boost your credentials and knowledge.
  • Remember, becoming a technical writer is about your ability to convey complex information clearly and your dedication to learning and adapting to new challenges. With determination and perseverance, you can enter the field and build a successful career, even if you start with no prior experience.

Technical Writer Qualifications and Skills

To excel in the role of a technical writer, you must possess a combination of qualifications and skills that extend beyond the ability to write effectively. Here’s a breakdown of what’s required:


  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field: While a bachelor’s degree in fields like English, communication, or journalism provides a strong foundation, technical writers often excel when they have degrees in relevant fields such as engineering, healthcare, or computer science. These degrees not only offer subject matter expertise but also make it easier to understand and communicate complex technical concepts.
  • Industry-specific knowledge: Technical writers benefit greatly from industry-specific knowledge. For instance, a technical writer in the healthcare sector should understand medical terminology and regulations, while one in software development should be familiar with coding languages and software development methodologies. This knowledge ensures accuracy and relevance in their documentation.
  • Project management skills: Beyond writing, technical writers often handle documentation projects. Project management skills, including task scheduling, resource allocation, and project tracking, are vital. They ensure that documentation projects are completed efficiently and meet deadlines.

Essential Skills

  • Communication Skills: Technical writers must excel in conveying intricate information clearly and succinctly. They must bridge the gap between technical experts and non-technical users, making complex concepts accessible to a wider audience.
  • Attention to Detail: Precision in writing and formatting is paramount. Errors or ambiguities in technical documents can lead to misunderstandings, product failures, or safety issues. Technical writers must meticulously proofread and edit their work.
  • Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with tools and software relevant to their industry is essential. For instance, a technical writer in the software industry should be proficient in documentation tools like MadCap Flare or Confluence. This proficiency streamlines the documentation process and ensures consistency.
  • Research Skills: Technical writers often work with subject matter experts to gather information. Strong research skills enable them to extract valuable data from experts, reference materials, and documentation sources, ensuring the accuracy of their work.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration is key, as technical writers frequently work alongside engineers, designers, and other experts. Effective collaboration ensures that the documentation aligns with the project’s goals and accurately represents the product or system being documented.


Technical writing is a multifaceted profession that transcends industry boundaries.

Aspiring technical writers can follow a structured path of education, experience, and skill development to thrive in this role.

With the ability to convey complex information clearly, technical writers are indispensable in making intricate concepts accessible to diverse audiences across various fields.

Embracing this career path offers both job seekers and industries the promise of enhanced communication and improved user experiences.

This content is proudly provided by our partners at Hiration.

How to Get Hired at Google in 5 Easy Steps? The Complete 2024 Guide


Are you aspiring to get into Google?

There are over 2 million people who apply at Google to become a Noogler every year. Yep! That’s the term Google uses warmly for its new employees.

The competition is fierce, and it has to be as Google has topped the Fortune 100’s ranking of the finest companies to work for in the technology field for four consecutive years.

To land a job at Google, you need more than just an Ivy League degree. Only a selected few make it through the screening process. Despite the high odds, you can make things happen in your favor.

Read on to learn how to get hired at Google and make your dream come true.

What Does Google Look for in an Employee?

If you want to work at Google, you have to remember that it does not just look for someone with certificates and degrees. To land a job at Google, you must be skilled and bring what Google mentions as “distinct experiences and perspectives.”

If you are a person who is driven by passion, has a fresh perspective, and can come up with innovative ideas, Google will adore you.

In its Nooglers, Google also looks for Googlyness, a set of qualities that will allow you to thrive in the company culture. The values of self-discipline, intellectual fortitude, and collaboration run the company. If you think you have these values and will enjoy the work at Google, stay assured as the interviewers would love to have you on the team.

But how hard is it to get a job at Google?

Getting into Google can be a little overwhelming due to its complicated recruitment process and tough competition. Out of 130 candidates, only 1 gets the job offer. This one can be you if you have the skillset and the charm to be a part of the most innovative team.

What Does It Take to Get a Job at Google?

Getting hired at Google requires more than just the skillset and presence of mind. The competition at Google is tough, and many people might be more skilled and experienced than you. In such a case, how would you stand out?

You can work on one thing many people who aspire to be a Noogler miss out on. It is your resume!

You heard it right. Many people forward a resume that they use for all the companies. However, you should make a Google-only resume if you want to differentiate yourself from the rest. Feel free to turn your resume into a sales pamphlet but draft it accordingly so it looks like it was made for Google only.

Once you are shortlisted, your performance in the Google interview will largely determine your selection fate. Through your responses, you should convey that you think out of the box and brim with creativity to find a solution to the problem.

How to Get a Job With Google Recruiter?

You can increase your chances of shortlisting by connecting with Google recruiters. What does it mean to connect with Google recruiters?

There are employment websites like LinkedIn where you can create a profile that showcases your professional experience. Once you make an engaging LinkedIn profile, reach out to recruiters working at Google to get your foot in the door.

It will serve two purposes. Firstly, you will build your LinkedIn network, and secondly, you might schedule an interview if lady luck is by your side.

You can search “Google recruiter” in the LinkedIn search bar and draft a polite message suggesting you are looking for a job in their company.

What are Google Careers Available for You in 2024?

Google offers jobs for both advanced professionals and beginners. Gone are the days when Google would just shortlist candidates based on qualifications. Now they look beyond the GPAs. If you do not have prior professional experience, you can still become a Noogler by opting for an entry-level job.

The company offers both onsite and offsite job roles. Whether you want to apply for a technical position or a non-technical one, you can choose from a wide range of job options that Google provides.

Given below is a list of popular jobs at Google that you can consider in 2024:

Junior Software EngineerAdministrative Assistant
Data ScientistJunior Business Analyst
UX DesignerSEO Specialist
Software TesterCopywriter
Network EngineerAccount Manager

How to Get Hired at Google in 5 Easy Steps

This leads to the critical question of how to get hired at Google ‌when over 2 million applications are already lying at the desk of Google.

You should understand that data might intimidate you, but in the end, Google is also a company that is looking for the most talented and competent workforce. Some universal truths still apply to Google, and having an insight into Google’s work culture can make you stand out from the crowd.

Given below are five easy steps that you can follow to get hired at Google without losing sleep over it:

How to Get Hired at Google: Building the Resume

The resume is the most critical aspect of applying for any job. It helps in the preliminary assessment of your conformity with the open position. It is a tool in your hand that can either get you shortlisted for the initial screening or get you rejected.

So what can you do to make your resume represent the real you and get shortlisted?

  • Keep your resume length limited to a single page.
  • Use a readable font like Calibri, Arial, and Times New Roman, and keep the size 10-12 points.
  • Mention your contact details, email, and tailor-made resume objective at the top.
  • If you do not have any experience, put your education first. If you have experience, you can keep the education section after work experience.
  • List your experience in reverse chronological order and mention your duties and accomplishments.
  • Include keywords in your resume from the job description to show relevant skills for the job.

How to Get Hired at Google: A Refreshing Cover Letter

Cover letters are an essential component of the job application. Even though many applicants neglect it, you should always view it as an opportunity to tell your story.

Keep in mind that Googlers are looking for unique individuals rather than those who can just fit in. Use the cover letter to convey your uniqueness and passion for the job.

Diversity of experience, abilities, backgrounds, and viewpoints is desired in the IT industry more than ever. You can talk about your experience, special interests, and skills through your cover letter.

Keep your cover letter to 3-4 paragraphs, highlighting your motivation, relevant job experience, the talents and qualities you possess for the role, and other areas where you excel as a candidate.

How to Get Hired at Google: Tips for Interview

The interview is the most interesting step in getting a job at Google. You would receive a notification for the interview stage if your resume and cover letter effectively swayed the recruiters.

The first round of interviews will comprise a phone interview where interviewers will assess your communication skills and knowledge. They may ask you behavioral questions to check how you learned from your experiences.

If you have cleared the telephonic interview, the next call will be for an on-site interview. In this stage, interviewers will assess your cognitive abilities and skills like leadership, creativity, problem-solving ability, etc.

Given below are some tips that will help you in clearing the interview rounds at Google:

  • Search for the most common interview questions that are asked at Google. Prepare an answer and rehearse it in front of a mirror, friends, and family to boost confidence.
  • While framing answers, try to add relevant experience from a previous job. It will allow the interviewers to understand your skills in much more detail.
  • Read the job description carefully and incorporate the skills required in your responses.
  • Be thorough with your resume. At any point during the interview, you might be cross-questioned based on the information you have put on your resume.
  • To prepare for the interview, you can enrich your knowledge of the selected domain by enrolling in courses offered by Udemy and Coursera.
  • Contact your recruiter to get information about meeting details. It will help you decide what to wear on the interview day, even though Google does not have a dress code.

How to Get Hired at Google: Hone the Skills

There are specific skill sets that Googlers would look for if they are interviewing you. It would help if you convey that you have those within you. Ensure to enhance and widen your skillset by opting for courses offered online so that you become the one who bags the job offer.

Before applying for a job at Google, be ready with technical and non-technical abilities relevant to your industry.

Given below are some skills that you must hone which will keep you ahead of the crowd if you want to work at Google:

Cognitive AbilityAdaptability
Analytical ThinkingDivergent Thinking
Action-OrientedManagement Ability
OwnershipProblem Solving Ability

How to Get Hired at Google: Earn the Experience

Google values the experiences of its employees. Therefore, you must gain some experience through an internship or a previous job.

If you wish to join Google’s marketing team, you may volunteer or take a part-time job with a marketing company. If you do not have previous work experience, consider any academic projects you may have done that are pertinent to the position you are looking for.

You should hone your coding abilities as much as you can if you’re seeking an engineering position. Googlers value your track record of finishing open-source projects and any other relevant work experience.

How Do I Get a Job at Google Without a Degree?

If you are wondering how to get hired at Google without a degree, you should know that Google doesn’t heavily rely upon degrees. It is no wonder why it is so. Google wants smart, creative, and enthusiastic people on its team.

Many people have graduated from the Ivy League, but not all of them are working at Google. If due any reason, you have not completed your degree, you still stand a chance of getting shortlisted.

It is your skill set that will help you land your dream job. You can always pursue some certifications that can enhance the skills Google values the most.

You will have to show Google that you are better than thousands of people who have applied for the same position. You can do this by showcasing your experience or accomplishments that make you a unique candidate.

Additionally, you can start working in a company, and with years of experience, your skills will be honed, putting you ahead in the race to be a Noogler. Remember, Google puts experience before any degree, and the more experience you have, the higher your chances of selection at Google.

What Should I Do if I Don’t Get a Job at Google?

Due to the cut-throat competition, they might not select you for the job. In such a scenario, you can still politely thank the hiring manager you have been coordinating with and seek feedback.

Take the feedback seriously and work on the areas that hold you back. Improve your interview skills, gain experience, and enhance your hard and soft skills required for the job.

You can also review your application process from start to finish to understand if you made any mistakes. Always try to double-check everything before the final submission.

Stay positive and apply for the next best opportunity you have. Rather than brooding over why you were rejected, you can flourish in the next by working on yourself. You can constantly reapply at Google after a few months once you have gained the required credentials.

Should I Apply for Other Jobs at Google Before Interviews?

Records have suggested that most Google aspirants have applied for other roles before appearing for the interviews. Most often, it might happen that things didn’t work out due to reasons that do not concern you. It could be just a matter of timing than your skills.

In such cases, you can always apply to other job roles that interest you. You can opt for similar job roles as well. However, keep in mind that quality matters over quantity. Hence, do not go on applying for every job that Google has advertised.

Make a wise decision to shortlist the ones where you could perform well. Getting the offer letter is just beginning, you have to excel in Google’s work culture through your extraordinary skills.

FAQs for ‘How to Get a Job in Google?’

Getting hired at Google requires more than just degrees and certifications. You need to stand out to the interviewers through your charismatic personality.

Q. How to get a job in Google?

A. To boost your chances, focus on developing relevant skills, gaining industry experience, networking, and showcasing your achievements through a well-crafted resume and cover letter.

Q. What qualifications does Google look for in job applicants?

A. Google seeks candidates with strong academic backgrounds, technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, and a passion for innovation. Additionally, relevant work experience and demonstrated leadership skills are valued.

Q. Are there any specific interview tips for getting hired at Google?

A. Prepare thoroughly by researching Google’s products, culture, and interview process. Be ready to showcase your problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and ability to work well in a team during the interview.

Q. Do I need a computer science degree to get hired at Google?

A. While a computer science degree is valued, Google also considers candidates from diverse educational backgrounds who possess the required skills and experience for specific roles.

Q. Are there any alternative paths to getting a job at Google?

A. Yes, apart from traditional application processes, Google offers internships, apprenticeships, and programs like the Google Associate Product Manager (APM) to provide alternative routes to getting hired.

Learn How to Build a Job-Winning Resume

This content is proudly provided by our partners at Hiration.

Synonyms for ‘Provide’: Elevate Your Professional Documents in 2024


If there’s one word that’s overused to the point of exhaustion in professional documents, it’s “provide.”

Whether in resumes, cover letters, or LinkedIn profiles, everyone seems to be ‘providing’ something.

But is that the best way to illustrate what you truly offer? This comprehensive guide will reveal 15 synonyms that can breathe new life into your professional story, each suited to different contexts and industries.

It’s not just about replacing a word; it’s about recapturing your unique contribution in the workplace.

Synonyms to Revitalize Your Narrative


  • Context: Implies the act of supplying or equipping with furniture or necessary resources.
  • Industry: Interior Design, Hospitality, Real Estate
  • Example: “I furnished the newly opened hotel with a unique blend of modern and antique pieces, capturing the local cultural essence.”


  • Context: Often used when referring to distributing items or services that are regulated.
  • Industry: Healthcare, Pharmacy, Legal
  • Example: “Responsibly dispensed medication to patients, following strict protocols to ensure safety and compliance.”


  • Context: Refers to the distribution of resources or duties for a particular purpose.
  • Industry: Finance, Human Resources, Project Management
  • Example: “Allocated budget resources efficiently, leading to a 20% reduction in overall project costs.”


  • Context: Suggests offering something, often money or goods, to help achieve or provide something.
  • Industry: Non-Profit, Community Service, Crowdfunding Initiatives
  • Example: “Contributed substantial funds to local underprivileged youth programs, aiding their educational advancement.”


  • Context: Implies giving information, wisdom, or knowledge.
  • Industry: Education, Consulting, Spiritual Guidance
  • Example: “Imparted complex technical knowledge to clients, enhancing their operational efficiency.”


  • Context: Involves managing and executing operations, often in the context of delivering services or justice.
  • Industry: Healthcare, Government Services, IT
  • Example: “Administered IT services to ensure optimal network performance across the department.”


  • Context: Suggests giving something as a gift or honor.
  • Industry: Awards & Recognition, Diplomacy, Arts
  • Example: “Bestowed the ‘Employee of the Year’ award for exceptional performance and dedication.”


  • Context: Implies providing a service, especially in artistic, legal, or professional contexts.
  • Industry: Legal, Artistic Freelance, Emergency Services
  • Example: “Rendered emergency services efficiently during crisis scenarios, saving numerous lives.”


  • Context: Refers to spreading information widely.
  • Industry: Communications, Public Relations, Journalism
  • Example: “Disseminated crucial information during the crisis, keeping the public informed and safe.”


  • Context: Involves allocating a particular task or responsibility to someone.
  • Industry: Corporate Management, Editorial, Education
  • Example: “Assigned projects strategically to staff, maximizing individual strengths and boosting overall productivity.”


  • Context: Suggests stretching out, offering more, or making available further resources or help.
  • Industry: Customer Service, Diplomacy, Finance
  • Example: “Extended support to clients facing financial difficulties, helping them navigate through challenging times.”


  • Context: Implies leaving personal or professional assets to someone, usually in a will or legacy context.
  • Industry: Legal, Historical Societies, Finance
  • Example: “Documented and bequeathed historic artifacts to local museums for future generations.”


  • Context: Refers to making essential goods available to customers or clients.
  • Industry: Retail, Manufacturing, Logistics
  • Example: “Consistently supplied products ahead of schedule, achieving a 98% customer satisfaction rate.”


  • Context: Suggests dedicating time, effort, or oneself to a task or purpose.
  • Industry: Any (especially where commitment is key)
  • Example: “Devoted countless hours to perfecting our approach, significantly enhancing client satisfaction.”


  • Context: Involves giving out shares or parts of something.
  • Industry: Publishing, Supply Chain Management, Sales
  • Example: “Effectively distributed resources during the product launch, leading to record-breaking sales figures.”


Each of these synonyms for “provide” serves as a more descriptive verb, illuminating your activities and achievements in a specific light.

The trick lies in selecting the one that aligns perfectly with your experiences, responsibilities, and industries.

By carefully curating your word choice, you present a more engaging, detailed, and colorful picture of your professional journey.

Looking for more information on how to build a Job-Winning Resume?
Watch this Video for more tips and tricks to help you land your dream role!

This content is proudly provided by our partners at Hiration.

How to Answer: Tell Me About a Challenge You Had to Overcome in the Workplace


This is a tough question because you’re forced to talk about a difficult time with a complete stranger. Fortunately, it’s also a great opportunity to turn a big challenge into a great accomplishment. In fact, we like to think of it as a related question to “Tell me about an accomplishment you’re proud of.” Why do employers ask this question? It’s because they want to know that they’re hiring someone who has the ability to think on their feet and who is resilient when facing challenges.

When answering this question, start by giving context for the situation and then showing how you worked out a solution to the problem. Try to keep your answer short and focused. After all, the interviewer is really looking for what you took away from the situation and doesn’t need to know the full backstory of what happened. If you need help structuring your answer, remember this acronym: S.T.A.R. It stands for situation, task, action, and result.

Here’s what they each mean and how you can use them effectively.


First, articulate to your interviewer the situation you were in so that they have context. What was the problem and how did it come up? In one or two sentences, create a clear picture so that hiring manager is able to visualize the challenge. If possible, keep things professional by focusing only on problems that have come up in class or at a previous job.

Say something like: “During my summer internship at a public relations firm, a client suddenly wanted to change an entire campaign strategy two days before launch. The client was unhappy with my team’s first draft, so we were tasked with redoing the entire plan.”


Talk about the task at hand and tell your interviewer what each person was responsible for doing, so that they get a sense of how you fit into the team. You don’t have to go into a lot of detail but do set the scene with one or two sentences about the roles everyone played in the project.

Say something like: “We organized a late-night brainstorm that evening. After hours of work, I asked to take the lead on putting together a new deck. This was challenging because it was my first time putting a deck together and also our one chance to make the client happy again.”


Once you’re done setting the scene, explain the actions involved in overcoming the challenge. Talk about your thought process and the steps you took to solve the problem. Again, one or two sentences is all you need to convey this.

Say something like: “I overcame this challenge by looking at previously successful presentations for the client, analyzing the feedback they gave on our initial presentation and incorporating all of the team’s ideas into the new deck.”


While you should be honest and speak about a true challenge you’ve faced, be sure to end on a positive note so that your interviewer sees you as a proactive problem solver and a team player. Quantify your results if possible. It’s a great way to demonstrate the impact you’ve had on a project or company, and it lets the interviewer know that you’re focused on results.

Say something like: “The client was ultimately thrilled with the fresh plan, and all of the new ideas we included!”

Here’s how to tie this all together:

“During my summer internship at a public relations firm, a client suddenly wanted to change an entire campaign strategy two days before launch. The client was unhappy with my team’s first draft, so we were tasked with redoing the entire plan. We organized a late-night brainstorm that evening. After hours of work, I asked to take the lead on putting together a new deck. This was challenging because it was my first time putting a deck together and also our one chance to make the client happy again. I overcame this challenge by looking at previously successful presentations for the client, analyzing the feedback they gave on our initial presentation and incorporating all of the team’s ideas into the new deck. The client was ultimately thrilled with the fresh plan, and all of the new ideas we included!”

Answering “Tell me about a challenge you’ve overcome” is a great way to show potential employers that you’re able to think on your feet and to solve a problem effectively. This is a skill that interviewers are looking for in all of the candidates they hire and answering this common interview question effectively will serve you well at interviews for both internships and entry-level jobs.

Next, get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as How to Find an Internship as an Underclassman and find answers to common interview questions such as How Would Your Friends Describe You?.


5 Rules To Help You Ace Your Leadership Development Program Interview

Are you considering a Leadership Development Program for your first or second job after graduation? If not, then maybe you should.

In case you’re not familiar with them, here’s a quick primer: Leadership Development Programs are rotational management and technical training programs that expose you to a variety of entry-level roles at a company. Apart from providing a range of hands-on experiences, they also help prepare you for a leadership position when the program is complete. They’re basically a fast-track route to a successful career in a field you’re passionate about.

That’s particularly true at Thermo Fisher Scientific—the world leader in serving science—where these programs are incredible opportunities to receive mentorship, network with senior leaders, and pick up the kind of experience necessary for those interested in management positions. Essentially, they’re incubators for the future leaders of the company.

Thermo Fisher’s Leadership Development Programs represent, at their core, a major investment in you on the part of the company. That’s why they pick their candidates for Leadership Development Programs so carefully. But that doesn’t mean you have to be intimidated by the recruitment process. You just need to prepare carefully so you can put your best foot forward. So, where do you begin and how can you stand out while interviewing for an opportunity that can change the course of your career?   

To find out exactly what they’re looking for in their LDP candidates, we spoke to Hannah, a Thermo Fisher recruiter.

Here are her tips for surviving (and thriving) on the road to securing your spot in an LDP.

1. You’re More Than Just Your Work Experience, So Let Them Know That

The reason you got an interview is because the recruiting team liked your resume. Remember, then, that the first interview is a chance for you to show them more than what’s on there. Don’t miss it.

Your resume told the recruiting team about your work and internship experience. While it’s important to use that experience as a base for some of your answers, you should also take the opportunity to go deeper.

The point of this interview, whether it’s in person or on the phone, is to show them a bit of who you are as an individual. Sticking too much to the script of your resume can be a major misstep. But, as Hannah stresses, there are ways to avoid that pitfall.

“One of the biggest things I see that people are missing is centered around their leadership experience,” Hannah says.

Given your experience level, chances are, you haven’t had too many opportunities to take on leadership roles at work. However, school organizations, extracurriculars, and even classroom projects are all great examples of places where you could have exhibited leadership skills. Regardless of what the leadership experience revolves around, the ability to demonstrate your potential is extremely valuable.

2. Definitely Prepare, But Don’t Over-Rehearse Your Answers (AKA Speak Naturally)

In any job interview, the recruiter or hiring manager wants to get a better sense of who you actually are—especially when they’re making such a major investment in you. That’s why over-preparation can actually hurt you.

“One of the things that we see that shoots people in the foot when they’re interviewing is that their answers seem really scripted and almost too perfect,” Hannah says. “And for us, that doesn’t give a sense of who they are. It doesn’t feel authentic. It doesn’t feel genuine.”

It’s true that you want to present the best possible version of yourself, but don’t let that rob your answers of you. Even if you prepared for a question, there’s no harm in taking a moment to think about your answer and move in a different direction. Speak from the heart, because according to Hannah, that’s what they’re hoping you’ll do.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Talk About Mistakes You’ve Made—Just Do It Tactfully

Many important interview questions focus on how you’d respond to various scenarios, both real and imagined.

“We ask a lot of behavioral-based questions on leadership, because a lot of what we do at Thermo Fisher gives people responsibility and allows people to make decisions and take risks,” Hannah says.

When the stakes are as high as they are in an LDP, the company needs to know how you act under pressure. However, that doesn’t mean they want you to only describe a situation or tell them about a time when everything went perfectly. Why? Because even if it’s true, it doesn’t really demonstrate the kind of adaptability and self-awareness that they’re looking for at Thermo Fisher.

“We really want to see how you took a situation that you maybe struggled in and how did you come out from that? Answering around self-awareness is key instead of just feeling like all of these answers have to be perfect,” she adds.

Self-awareness and adaptability are hard to teach and extremely important for people who plan to grow a lot over the course of their time at a company—which is essential for any successful LDP candidate. That’s why emphasizing adaptability and how you respond to mistakes is so important.

Don’t gloss over these learnings—talk about them and emphasize the lessons you learned that’ll help prevent you from making the same mistakes again. That kind of self-reflection shows real growth, maturity, and potential.

4. As You Progress, Make Sure To Up Your Research Game And Come With Thoughtful Questions

The interview for an LDP at Thermo Fisher is a multistep process, and it’s as much about you getting to know them as it is the opposite. That’s why it’s okay to ask exploratory questions about the company early on.

“I think for that first recruiter conversation, it’s okay to come in and ask questions,” Hannah says. “But I think the biggest mistake that I see a lot of times is, once they get past that first round and they move on to that next step, they haven’t done enough research.”

After that initial conversation, you’ll advance to an on-campus interview with a hiring manager or an LDP graduate who is now a leader at the company. And it’s essential to come prepared. As the interviews progress, don’t rest on your laurels.

“You don’t have to come in knowing everything. But find a recent article about something Thermo Fisher did in the news or in the community or maybe about one of our acquisitions, and then ask questions about that,” Hannah explains.

“That shows our leadership team that you’re interested and that you’re curious. Curiosity is such an important quality in an interview process because it shows that you’re going to be curious when you come to work every day. It shows that you’re going to challenge the norm and ask questions and bring 110 percent every day,” she says.

By the time you get to the last round of interviews (a two-day event at the company’s headquarters in Waltham, MA), you should have a few good talking points ready for any conversation you might have with a leader.

5. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Your Recruiter For Advice

After you pass the first-round phone interview, your recruiter is there to be your ally. After all, they chose you to enter the process and they have a vested interest in your success.

“If you’re curious about something and you’re not sure, reach out to your recruiter and ask them. ‘Is the manager going to want to see a cover letter? Are they going to want references?’ I can always answer that,” Hannah says.

If there are any administrative questions you have about timing, location, or the format of interviews, you don’t have to worry about bothering the hiring manager by asking. Just follow up with your recruiter and they’ll get back to you with the info you need. They can even answer some broader questions like, “What kinds of traits does the hiring manager look for in their top candidates?”

“If you’re ever curious about what kinds of things you should include in your application or bring to an interview, definitely ask your recruiter,” Hannah adds. “Because they’re almost like your secret agent and they know what that manager is looking for and how to best prepare you, so definitely lean on them.”Think you’re ready to apply for a role at Thermo Fisher? Check out open opportunities from Thermo Fisher Scientific on WayUp!

How To Answer: Why Do You Want This Job?

One of the most important questions you’ll ever be asked in an interview is, ‘Who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman?’ Just kidding! (The answer is Batman BTW.)

The most important question actually is: Why do you want this job?

Deceptively simple, this question has the potential to make or break your chances of landing your dream job. But don’t fret, because we’re going to walk you through crafting the perfect response. Plus, we’ll go over a few common mistakes that people make, too, just for good measure.

Batman approves.

Answering The Most Important Question

There are two parts to a great answer for “Why do you want this job?”

The first part of your answer should focus on the position you’re applying to. You want to start by describing why you’re interested in that specific job.

Say, for example, you’re in an interview for the position of—oh I don’t know—Keeper of the Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your answer should therefore highlight your passion for plants and animals. Think about specific things you’ve done that would show this. For instance, maybe you were president of Hufflepuff’s Herbology club or grew up on a Mandrake farm. The key is to take something from your past experiences that shows an interviewer you’ll work hard and care about succeeding if you’re hired.

What most people think after answering that question.

The second part of your answer should focus on why you want to work at THIS company.

The key here is research, research, and more research. You want to find something unique and interesting about the company that shows you didn’t just skim the “About Us” section on its website. Make sure you find something specific and relevant to the position you want. There are plenty of resources where you can easily access this kind of information, like WayUp company profiles, podcasts, company blogs, etc.

Read ALL the articles!

Some Common Interview Mistakes To Avoid

Even if you have the makings of a great answer, there are a couple common mistakes we’ve come across that will drive any interviewer insane.

The first is answering the phone with just a simple, “Hello.” or the painfully casual, “Hey.” This leaves interviewers responsible for following up with something like, “Is this Patrick?” and gives them unnecessary work.

A simple solution is to always answer the phone by saying, “Hello, this is Patrick.” If you’re answering a call for an interview, you want to sound as professional as possible. (Of course, don’t say “Patrick” unless that’s your name.)

The next problem is a bit harder to tackle: filler words. For those unfamiliar with filler words, I present exhibit A:

Don’t think Patrick gets too many second interviews.

We can promise that if you pepper your interview responses with “ummms,” “likes,” and “uhhhs,” then your chances of getting hired plummet. It makes you sound like you didn’t prepare ahead of time and don’t really care about the job.

The best way to avoid filler words is practice. Once you have your perfect response crafted, say it out loud over and over again until you’re reciting it in your sleep.

Do, however, leave some room for improvisation and try to sound natural. Some “likes” and “umms” are inevitable, but don’t make it seem like it’s a habit.

Think Before You Speak

If you’re applying for a job, make sure you know why you want it. Any interviewer worth her salt will want to know, so think about why the position and company are right for you. Answering this well will distinguish you as someone who’s not only qualified for a job but also ready to thrive and succeed in the long-run.

P.S. If you’re interested in seeing these techniques put into practice, check out my other article about how I landed a job by wearing mismatched socks!

How to Answer: What Are Your Salary Expectations?

Being fully prepared for the interview process means knowing what questions to anticipate. One of those questions is, “What are your salary expectations?” You won’t encounter this question during an internship interview, but it’s likely to come up if you’re interviewing for an entry-level job. Why do employers ask this? If you’re a recent college grad, it’s because they want to make sure that you have a sense of the industry you’re trying to enter and are coming into the job with realistic expectations.

Entry-level salaries vary by job type and industry, so knowing as much as possible about your field is extremely important when preparing to answer this question. Another thing to note is that entry-level salaries are most often not open to negotiation.

Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing to answer.

When it’s not appropriate to negotiate.

“If you’re recruited into a formal entry-level program (a program where a class of people starts together and trains together) the answer is likely going to be no to a salary negotiation,” explains Liane Hajduch, a former campus recruiter for RBC Capital Markets.

This includes fields like investment banking, consulting and engineering, all of which have structured salaries for entry-level jobs. If you’re entering one of those industries, it’s best not to negotiate! However, you should still come into the interview knowing the salary range for the position and having a clear sense of what to expect if you’re offered the job.

Say something like: “I expect to be paid a salary that is commensurate with the industry standard for an entry-level candidate joining this position.”

Pro tip: Sites like Payscale and Glassdoor offer a lot of information about salary ranges and can give you additional insights about a company including the average salary by job type.

When it is appropriate to negotiate.

If you’re entering a more creative field (think media or marketing) and have previous relevant experience, then negotiation might be possible. “I recommend doing your research on the industry and what similar entry-level hires are being paid,” explains Hajduch. “If you know your worth, and you have data to prove it, you’ll have a much stronger case than if you make it subjective or emotional.”

Once you’ve done the research and know the range for the position, be ready to show the interviewer that you have the skills and commitment to deserve the highest salary within that range.

Say something like: “I know the average salary for this type of entry-level position is in the $35,000-$40,000 range. I think that I would be a great fit for the role due to my past internship experience and I am expecting a salary within that range.”

Answering “What are your salary expectations?” effectively is easy if you come into the conversation prepared and with some solid research under your belt. Be confident and straightforward, but also remember that flexibility will go a long way toward making a good impression on the interviewer and the company.

Next, get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as When to Start Applying for a Summer Internship and find answers to common interview questions such as Why Do You Want to Work Here?

4 Signs That Show An Employer Is Serious About Its Company Culture

“Company culture” can seem like a pretty intangible thing, especially when you’re thinking about your first job. You might not have the experience to know what actually makes it more than just an HR slogan.

Company culture is made up of the tangible experiences you have working there—and it couldn’t be more important.

Using Dell—an industry leader in company culture—as an example, here are four signs that show a company is serious about its culture.

#1: A Meaningful Work/Life Balance

Maintaining the balance between your work and your personal life is extremely important for your health, job performance, and overall satisfaction. Plenty of companies understand that happy employees are good employees, and few things make people happier than being able to have a rich life in and outside of the office.

But it has to be more than just expressing a commitment.

At Dell, if you work at any of the tech giant’s offices around the world, there are a ton of options with regards to scheduling your work. Some employees work from home for all or part of the week to cut down on commuting and inefficiency. Other employees work the same amount of hours in four days each week (instead of five).

Dell aims to have 50 percent of their workforce on flexible schedules by 2020. That’s the kind of proof you should be looking for when it comes to understanding work/life balance at a company.

#2: Genuine Commitment To Diversity

A company or team without diversity not only deprives you of the personal growth that comes from understanding people unlike yourself, but also makes concretely worse decisions. Companies AND people succeed when there’s diversity—so, yes, it should be an important factor.

It can be hard to tell whether a company employs a diverse group of people, particularly because diversity can mean a lot more than what is visibly apparent. Beyond that, corporate websites and verbal commitments can often oversell certain aspects of the company culture. One way to cut through the noise is by looking at what objective third parties and former employees have said. Check out the company’s diversity and inclusion ratings and see how credible organizations have rated them.

Dell was placed on DiversityInc’s Top 50 and was recognized by The Economist for their excellence in diversity and inclusion. Dell also does more than just hire people—they support them. Whether that means advocacy groups, accommodations for holidays and disabilities, or flexible work hours to fit people’s myriad obligations, the company is constantly thinking about its employees’ happiness.

#3: Openness To Innovation

Most companies rely on innovation to drive their business forward. But some companies truly expect it from every corner of their team. How do you figure out which is which? Here are a couple ways you can find out more about what exactly innovation means at a certain company.

For starters, ask about “intrepreneurship.” How has a select group of major tech players managed to stay at the top of an industry that revolves around advances? Simple: They’ve encouraged all of their employees to use the company as a venue for innovation. (Dell has an annual “Game Changers” competition where employees from around the globe pitch to executives who can opt to fund their ideas.)

If an employer can’t provide you with specifics about new products or businesses started by employees, then that may be a sign that the “culture of innovation” is just a phrase.

#4: Ethics And Impact

It’s important to know what kind of company you work for. Do they take responsibility for their actions? Do they contribute to the communities they’re a part of? Essentially, you need to know whether a prospective company makes the world a better or worse place.

This is where hard facts matter the most. Awards and accolades given from third parties are usually for a reason. So, when Dell has taken home trophies for their efforts to cut down on their carbon footprint or for being the largest global recycler of electronics, you know that it’s because they did and they are.

There are things like community engagement, manufacturing practices, and much, much more that you should look out for. There are many ways to make an impact—positive or negative. Companies who take ethics seriously usually have employees who do, too, and it can be great to be around people who care.

And Beyond…

Little things like dress code, snacks, and social events can make a huge difference in helping you adjust to a new city or new stage of life. So, don’t forget about these aspects of company culture, either.

Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Being An ‘Intrapreneur’

When we hear “innovation,” it’s hard not to think about the classic success stories and the images of people tinkering with old-timey motherboards in the pursuit of scientific progress. That’s where so many key tech companies like Dell started, after all. But it’s important to remember that it’s not the only way it happens.

There’s a reason major players in tech can manage to stay in the game for so long: Creative and technical geniuses innovate within the structure of their large corporations. The business world has taken to calling this practice “intrapreneurship,” and it could be the way that you manage to thrive as an innovator.

What is intrapreneurship?

Intrapreneurship—in contrast with entrepreneurship—is the practice of creating, pitching, and getting funding for your own business idea or product while working as an employee within a larger corporate structure.

“It’s a new kind of product or a new kind of business,” says veteran intrapreneur and Dell Product Manager Juan Vega. “It’s about identifying new opportunities and leading from the front.”


In the same way that you would start your business on the outside, you have to build a team, invest your own time, and aggressively seek sponsorship from execs in the right department. “You can’t lead from behind,” Juan stresses. “You have to take a risk and say, ‘I really think it’s worth doing something.’ And then you have to go and create the story and the arguments and the support and everything else you need, just as if you were out solo in the business world.”

How Juan tapped into a multi-billion-dollar business.

Juan knows a thing or two about intrapreneurship. Having spent more than 20 years at Dell, Juan has worked on (and started!) countless new businesses and products for the company.

For example, in 2008 he was running the successful Optiplex team, but he wasn’t feeling inspired by his role. “They figured out the formula and it was on track. It was doing great and winning everything. It wasn’t taking a lot to improve it; it just needed someone to keep it going,” he says.

As an innovator, Juan was ready for his next challenge. “I was bored, basically. I ended up looking at the market and thinking, ‘Where are we underserved?’ I started looking for that opportunity,” he says.

He settled on the small business market. The business packages and hardware were just too expensive at that scale. However, it didn’t have to be this way, and Juan knew that. “We had a ton of pricing conflicts. We had a cost problem that wasn’t being resolved in that space,” he says. “So, I found a backfill and got out of the job I was in, once I had sponsorship to drive this new business space.”

The result? “We built a new desktop and notebook business that was specifically focused on driving down costs and meeting the needs of the small business owner. And that’s a billion-something dollar business today.”

How can you do it? It’s all about the company culture.

An intrapreneurial culture is not the only thing that makes a company successful—there are plenty of established businesses that got to where they are by moving methodically and sticking to their guns. There are also flagging industries in which companies will be much more risk-averse because they just aren’t thriving. And it’s those types of companies—whether they’re cautious or just plain old conservative—that you have to avoid if you’re trying to find a place that will let you innovate.

If you’re someone who likes the idea of contributing to a larger team, having steady pay and benefits, and getting exposure to the workings of a major corporation, but you still want to make something new, then you have to make sure you find a company with a culture of intrapreneurship.


“It’s never about asking permission,” Juan explains. “You get permission along the way. You get investment dollars. You get head count. You get project teams. [At Dell], you get whatever it is you need to create that new business.”

How does this happen at Dell? According to Juan, it’s the people. “It’s because of the kind of people who are happy at Dell. We’re a pretty type A company. It all started with Michael in his dorm room. It’s people who are in a lot of ways self-motivated—entrepreneurial-type people— who just happen to be working in a giant corporation,” he says.

“And when you mix the two together, what you get is people who tend to ask a little more forgiveness than permission, and tend to bring opportunities to light as a part of their normal roles and responsibilities.”