The Perfect Way To Answer The Phone For An Interview

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Liam Berry
The Perfect Way To Answer The Phone For An Interview

How To Answer The Phone For An Interview

Be ready for the call. When you answer the phone for an interview, do so with great energy while remaining professional. The best calls begin with someone answering the phone saying, “Hello, this is _____.”

We can’t stress this enough. “Hello, this is Susan!” is an infinitely more professional way to answer a call than a simple “Hi.”

How NOT To Answer The Phone For An Interview

Do not answer the call and then need time to get situated. Make sure you’re not in a noisy location .

Before the interview begins, find somewhere where you can have an excellent chat about your experience and the opportunity you’ve applied to. If you need to reschedule your call, the interviewer will understand. People have busy lives. Providing as much advance notice as possible is helpful (and shows you really value communication).

This is a simple part of the phone interview experience and doing it well will set you up for success during the conversation. As the expression goes: You can only make a first impression once.

For more advanced phone interview tips, check out this guide from WayUp!