In your summer housing search, we highly suggest you use PadMapper because it allows you to see all the listings on a map and avoid the ugly Craigslist site. Start looking for housing sooner rather than later and respond to as many listings as possible, as short term and sublet listings are snatched up quickly by summer school students.
Below is a list of San Diego’s most popular areas for sublets. Remember to do your own research and if possible, pay a visit to the area before firmly committing to a lease.
La Jolla
$450-500 Double
$650-$700 Single
Many UCSD students live in the UTC area due to the proximity to campus and relatively affordable rent. There are a number of bus routes that run near the major housing complexes including an express line that runs to downtown San Diego. La Jolla is a quiet suburban setting with a small mall and grocery stores within walking distance or a short bus trip. There are a lot of college students who stick around to take summer courses and chances are your roommates will be college students as well.
*Local Tip: The UCSD area has the highest concentration of Zipcars.
San Diego State University (SDSU) Area
$450-500 Double
$600-650 Single
A more rowdy and slightly cheaper college town compared to La Jolla. Friday nights at SDSU can be quite happening, but during the summer it calms down as students head home. Nonetheless, there is still a sizable student presence during the summer. Being close to SDSU, the area features a number of bus routes that will take you to wherever you need to go.
Pacific Beach (PB)
$750 – 850 Single
If you want to be close to the party and be able to walk to the beach, there is nothing better than Pacific Beach. PB is the largest nightlife hub in San Diego, home to many young professionals and even a few students. In addition, there are a bunch of amazing and affordable restaurants in the area. The downside is that it can get pretty noisy, particularly Thursday through Saturday night. Also, traffic on roads leading out of PB can get pretty bad during rush hour and public transit is limited.
*Local Tip: Living in PB will allow you to surf before heading off to work