As you get closer to declaring your major, you may be faced with some tough choices. Would you rather major in creative writing or economics? More importantly, which major would set you up for greater success? As you consider your options you might also think about the best way to combine your interests into a double major.
Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re thinking of studying two subjects at once.
What is a double major?
A double major is a combined focus on two academic subjects. Although these subjects may be closely linked (such as economics and business), they can also be vastly different (such as biochemistry and French). In order to successfully complete a double major, you’ll typically need to take double the number of major-related classes, since you’ll typically need to fulfill up to 12 classes in each of your chosen subjects.
What are the benefits of a double major?
There are many benefits to doing a double major including increased exposure to new things, networking opportunities and skill building. In fact, studying two subjects at once is a great way to open up doors when it comes time to find a full-time job. Best of all, employers are likely to be impressed by your work ethic and to consider you a strong candidate.
What are some of the challenges of a double major?
Although there are many benefits to doing a double major, it’s also important to consider some of the challenges that come along with it. For example, with an increased workload every semester you’ll have less time for electives, internships and extracurriculars. Although this won’t necessarily negatively impact your college experience, it’s definitely something to keep in mind as you get ready to declare your major.
Choosing a major is one of the most important parts of your college career. When deciding whether to declare a double major, be sure weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a double major and make the decision that fits you best.