What Is a Psychology Major and Is it Right for Me?

Are you fascinated by human behavior and interested in figuring out what makes people tick? Are you passionate about helping others and helping them work through difficult situations? If you answered yes to these questions, a psychology major might just be for you.

What is a psychology major?

Psychology is the study of human behavior at both the individual and group level. As a psychology major, you’ll learn about the various factors that affect mental health (such as cultural and environmental factors), and about the different dynamics that can impact the psychology of a particular group. You’ll also dive deep into the world of psychological disorders and learn about common mental health issues including anxiety and depression.

In psychology classes, you’ll learn the basics of cognitive function and then go on to study advanced theories about what drives particular types of behaviors. Covering physiology, statistics and experimental psychology, this major will give some solid insights into the inner workings of the human brain.

Is it right for me?

Psychology is an exciting field with plenty of career opportunities for those interested in helping people and learning more about the nuances of human interaction.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when deciding whether a psychology major is right for you:

  • Am I excited to do in-depth research on mental health and human relationships?
  • Am I open-minded? Am I able to be objective about the things I’m learning and able to adjust my views accordingly?
  • Do I handle feedback well? Will I be able to deal with constructive feedback from my professors and classmates?
  • Am I willing to devote a lot of time to reading and understanding clinical research in the field?

What can I do with a psychology degree?

A psychology major can be applied to a broad range of fields including social work and teaching. Popular career paths for psychology majors include:

  • Psychologist
  • Social worker
  • Professor
  • Career counselor
  • Non-profit aid worker
  • Guidance counselor
  • Teacher

What do people who major in psychology earn?

The earning potential for psychology majors depends a lot on the types of career paths they choose. For example, entry-level social workers earn approximately $40,000 per year while clinical psychologists with advanced degrees can earn as much as $110,000. No matter what career path you choose, a psychology major will help you develop a broad range of skills that can help you be successful in any role.

What Are the Different Types of Graduate Degrees?

With 2.4 million jobs predicted to require graduate degrees by 2024, application rates for grad schools have increased significantly in recent years. If you’re thinking of going to grad school, you might be wondering about the different types of degrees available and how each one lines up with your specific interests. For example, what can you expect from an MBA program and how can you decide whether it’s right for you.

Here are the most common types of graduate degrees.

Master’s Degree (M.A., M.S., M.F.A, MBA)

The most common type of graduate degree is a master’s degree. Typically consisting of one to two years of study, master’s programs cover a wide variety of specialties including arts and humanities (M.A. or MFA), science and technology (M.S.) and business (MBA). These programs generally combine structured coursework with independent study and often require you to submit a thesis in order to complete the program’s requirements.

Good to Know: In recent years, MBA programs have increased in popularity due to their reputation for helping candidates develop skills that will help them advance in their careers and earn higher salaries. In fact, MBA graduates typically earn 45 percent more than candidates with a bachelor’s degree.

Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.)

Another common graduate degree is a doctoral degree (Ph.D.). Spanning a wide variety of subjects such as psychology, history, computer science and engineering, doctoral degrees are designed to expand your understanding of a specific subject by building on the knowledge gained during a master’s program. These degrees are also a requirement for anyone wishing to become a professor or to have a research career in academia.

Good to Know: Although many of those who complete a Ph.D. go on to work in higher education, this is not the only available career path. Industries like management consulting, investment banking and tech are constantly looking for candidates with a specialized academic background.

Juris Doctor Degree (J.D.)

For those who are interested in a career in law, going to law school and getting a juris doctor degree (J.D.) is a great first step toward a legal career. A three-year program with a focus on both general legal principles and specific types of case law, a juris doctor degree prepares you to work in all aspects of the legal field and advocate on behalf of others.

Good to Know: Not all lawyers become practicing attorneys. Other career paths include finance and business, with many non-practicing lawyers focusing on entrepreneurship.

Doctor of Medicine Degree (M.D.)

One of the most prestigious types of graduate degrees is a doctor of medicine degree (M.D.). A four-year program combining coursework with clinical practice, medical school expands on the knowledge gained during an undergraduate education and develops the skills needed for a career as a physician.

Good to Know: In addition to earning an M.D. degree, physicians are required to complete a residency program lasting three to four years to gain hands-on experience in a clinical setting.

Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree (D.D.S.)

Similar to an M.D. program, a D.D.S. program is a requirement for those who wish to become dentists. Structured as a four-year program combining clinical practice and academic study, dental school teaches dental anatomy and patient care and prepares aspiring dentists for a career as clinicians.

Good to Know: Like medicine, dentistry has a high earning potential, particularly for more specialized areas like oral surgery. These areas often require additional postgraduate study but they also open up additional career opportunities.

Choosing a grad school program can be one of the most important decisions of your career. By knowing what each program entails, you’ll be able to pick a program that’s right for you.

Next, learn more about grad school such as How to Pick an MBA Program and get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as How to Get the Job You Really Want.

Cover Letter Guides

Before writing a cover letter, it’s important to understand how it can help or hurt you. In the internship application process a cover letter is your first impression. It’s an opportunity to tell a perspective employer why you’re the perfect fit for their internship and their office and just as importantly, a cover letter is an opportunity to tell an employer you don’t care about their position, by writing a sloppy or template cover letter. Some valuable cover letter topics include, explaining why a position interests you, what you bring to the table, how you would be a great fit, or something unique about you that makes you different from the hundreds of other candidates. The ultimate goal of your cover letter is to get the reader excited to meet you for an interview to learn more.

To summarize the points above, ingredients needed to make a successful cover letter are:

Header with contact information:

Including a header with your contact information on the cover letter makes you look professional and ensures your information will be easy to find. You should also consider including this header on all documents you’re submitting when applying, it demonstrates your professionalism and acts as an opportunity to brand yourself to the perspective employer.

Who is your audience?

Try to find the person who is in charge of intern hiring and address your cover letter and resume to them. Statistics show you have a better chance of being hired if you know who’s doing the hiring and if you recognize them, so take some time to research who will be reviewing your submitted materials and write to them specifically.

The hook:

The person reviewing applicant cover letters and resumes will most likely be going through more than you can imagine, so it’s extremely important to hook ‘em with the first line of your cover letter. Start your cover letter with a statement that will catch the reader’s eye, you can try an interesting or entertaining fact that relates you to the company. Always try your hardest to avoid the typical salutations used in writing, because chances are, your reader has already come across many and is sick of seeing them.

What I do and what I can do for you:

Employers want to know what you can bring to the table, so why beat around the bush, give them what they want! It’s rare for a hiring manager to read an entire cover letter from start to finish, so try using bullet points and bolded text to help identify the important information they’ll be searching for.

Finish strong, let your confidence shine:

Let the company know why you want to work for them and that you really believe you would be a good fit with their team, their company culture, and company community. Also, adding a signature will personalize your cover letter and help you stand out with a sense of professionalism.

What Is Grad School?

Whether you’re just starting college or about to graduate, you might be wondering whether you should go to grad school. This could be especially true if you’re considering a career in law or medicine, fields that require significant postgraduate education.

Before you decide, here are some of the key things you need to know about grad school.

What is grad school?

Grad school (or graduate school) is any form of postgraduate education that focuses on one particular area of study. Depending on the subject you choose, this can be anything from business to law or even the humanities. Designed to deepen your understanding of your chosen subject and turn you into a specialist in your field, grad school can vary in length from two years for a master’s degree to seven years for a Ph.D. and usually includes a combination of coursework and independent study.

How is grad school different from college?

While college gives you a broad overview of several subjects and helps you identify which subject you’re truly passionate about, grad school allows you to become an expert in that subject and to explore it in detail. Depending on the program you choose, grad school also has a different structure than college, generally consisting of classes, independent study and a final project such as a thesis or dissertation.

What types of grad school programs are there?

Grad school programs vary depending on the academic subject and the type of degree. Popular programs include Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) programs for medical students, Juris Doctor (J.D.) programs for law students, Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) programs for business students and a broad range of master’s and Ph.D. programs in subjects including psychology, biochemistry and history.

What should I consider when deciding whether to go to grad school?

Deciding whether to go to grad school comes down to two things: 1) Your desire to continue your course of study and 2) Your career goals. For example, if you’re passionate about law, going to law school to pursue a Juris Doctor degree is a must if you want to become a lawyer. The same goes for those wishing to me doctors who must attend medical school and get a Doctor of Medicine degree in order to practice. For others, such as creative writers or computer programmers, a graduate degree is not required in order to advance in the field though some may choose to do it in order to develop their skills and knowledge.

Pro Tip: Beyond your career goals, two other important factors to consider are time and cost. Since grad school typically requires a minimum two-year commitment in addition to tuition costs, it’s important to have a clear understanding of how this degree can help you before entering into a graduate program.

A great way to boost your knowledge and expand your career options, grad school can be a powerful way to develop new skills. By knowing what to expect and what factors to consider, you’ll be able to decide if grad school is right for you.

Are Online Ph.D. Programs Worth It?

With more than 28 percent of students currently taking an online course, online education is becoming increasingly more popular every year. This includes everything from undergraduate programs to graduate master’s and Ph.D. programs. If you’re thinking of doing an online doctoral program, you may be wondering whether it’s worth the time and money.

Here are some things you need to know about online Ph.D. programs.

Many top universities offer online Ph.D. programs

When online education first began in the mid-1990s, online programs were not as popular as they are now. In fact, although the level of education was comparable to campus-based programs, online degrees were often talked about as something that anyone could get if they were willing to pay for them. Twenty years later, many top-tier schools offer both undergraduate and graduate online programs in a variety of subjects, making it easy to find a program that fits your interests without having to relocate.

Online programs offers students more freedom and flexibility

Another reason many students choose to pursue an online Ph.D. program is the flexibility. Since online programs are structured to fit around your schedule, you’ll be able to decide when you want to complete your coursework and schedule one-on-one time with your professors. This is a great way to adapt the program to fit your needs while still maximizing your time with faculty.

Online programs are more affordable than campus-based programs

In addition to the freedom to design your own schedule, online programs also tend to be more affordable than campus-based programs which can cost between $40,000 and $120,000 depending on the degree. In comparison, online Ph.D. programs can cost anywhere from $18,000 to $70,000, with the average being around $35,000.

Employers recognize online Ph.D. degrees

As online education has continued to expand and top-tier schools have created their own programs, online degrees (especially doctoral degrees) have become increasingly more valued by employers across all industries. This includes science-focused industries like biochemistry and arts-focused fields like design. This means that employers are considering all Ph.D.-holding candidates as being equally competitive when it comes to making hiring decision, which is great news for graduates of online programs.

With registration for online programs increasing at the rate of 4 percent per year, online learning is becoming increasingly popular and respected by employers. If you’re considering getting your doctorate and want to have a flexible schedule, an online Ph.D. program could be the right choice for you.

Next, learn more about grad school such as How to Get a Mentor at Work and get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as Tell Me About a Time You Failed.

What is a Journalism Major and is it Right for Me?

Have you always been a natural writer? Do you love being persistent when talking to people? If you enjoy getting to the truth of a matter as well as putting in the work to research, write and edit stories about issues around the globe, the world of journalism may be for you.

What is a journalism major?

Majoring in journalism is a fast-paced endeavor, where you’ll be quickly learning the ins and outs of how to write a variety of different types of stories on many different topics. You’ll often be sent out into the field to work on your own, and you’ll have to come back with polished articles on quick, hard deadlines.

Is it right for me?

If the idea of getting to research, write and edit stories sounds great to you, here are several key questions to consider before you commit to majoring in journalism.

  • Do I feel confident in my basic writing, research and editing skills?
  • Am I someone who likes to spend lots of time fact-checking my work and making sure every detail is correct?
  • Do I like reaching out to people (often through cold calls or emails) to interview them for a story? Am I persistent in following up with people to get what I want?
  • Am I okay with not everyone liking a story I publish? How do I react to backlash?
  • Am I able to handle and incorporate criticism and feedback from my professors and peers? Do I have a thick skin when it comes to my writing?
  • Am I okay doing lots of my research, writing and editing by myself?
  • Am I good at multitasking and working on multiple stories on a variety of topics at once?
  • Will I dedicate myself to getting internships and jobs through college that will further my level of experience?

What can I do with a journalism degree?

Often people say that journalism is a dying field, but that can’t be further from the truth. While traditional print journalism might not be in the same place it was several decades ago, it is still relevant. Additionally, digital journalism has become more and more prevalent, and there are many different jobs out there for people with a journalism degree.

There are also many people with journalism degrees who work on the opposite side of the industry in public relations roles, pitching ideas and stories to journalists on behalf of clients.

Some potential career options include becoming a journalist, blogger, social media manager, broadcast journalist, communications manager, publicist, marketing manager, advertising copywriter, multimedia reporter, photographer and editor.

What do journalists earn?

Journalism is a field where salaries vary greatly based on where you’re located, what your official title is and the type of company you work for (for instance, a bootstrapped media startup versus and established magazine brand). Starting salaries typically run between $25,000 to $40,000 depending on those factors.

Many journalists also choose to go the freelance route, which affects your income from month to month. This doesn’t mean you can’t make a comfortable living; it just means that your salary won’t be consistent every single month, and some months may be tighter financially than others.

If you do choose to pursue a career in journalism rather than something like public relations or marketing, you’ll most likely be on the lower end of the salary spectrum, around $35,000 to $40,000 per year.


Next, learn more about this college major such as Accounting and get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as 10 Tips for the Perfect Cover Letter.

Types of Internships for Communications Majors

With their ability to communicate effectively in almost any situation, communications majors are some of the most sought after candidates in all sorts of professional fields. With so many opportunities available, you might be wondering how to find a job that’s a good fit for you. The best way to do that is through an internship where you can get exposure to a specific field or position.

Here are some of the best internships for communications majors:

Marketing intern

As a marketing intern, you’ll assist the marketing team with projects and find out how marketers help brands connect with their audience. During your internship, you’ll be taking on a number of tasks such as collaborating on blog post ideas, developing social media strategy and writing email copy. As a result, you’ll be gaining lots of hands-on experience and also getting exposed to all of the different elements involved in crafting a successful marketing campaign.

Editorial intern

From sharpening your SEO skills to shadowing an editorial meeting, an editorial internship can be a great and enriching experience. Depending on the type of company you intern with, you could be writing blog or news articles, learning how to research and fact-check news stories, or learning the ins and outs of copy editing and AP style.

Public relations intern

As a public relations intern, you’ll assist the PR team with campaign strategy, pitches and handling client relationships. You’ll also likely get to attend publicity events including sporting events and product launches. Best of all, you’ll learn the basics of writing a press release and assisting in the development of a full-scale PR campaign.

Content marketing intern

Content marketing internships give you direct exposure to drafting content for the company website, as well as copy for ads and blog posts. In addition, you’re likely to also get hands-on experience with other things such as managing social media accounts. Best of all, you’ll get to sit in meetings where ideas for new content are developed.

Social media intern

As a social media intern, you’ll engage your company’s followers, commenters and readers, while also attempting to grow the community. From coming up with funny memes to post on Instagram to crafting a great Snapchat story, a social media internship is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about engagement and about how to use social media as a powerful tool for business.

Copywriting Intern

As a copywriting intern, you’ll be trained in researching, drafting and editing copy for all types of content including blog posts, news articles and email campaigns. You’ll also learn how to match your writing style to a specific brand and fine-tune your copywriting skills. This internship is a great opportunity to get a feel for what’s required to thrive as a full-time copywriter.

Broadcast intern

A broadcast internship is a wonderful opportunity to learn the ins and out of working for a TV or radio station. From shadowing staff to fact-checking, researching and assisting with different aspects of production, you’ll be getting exposure to the whole world of broadcasting. Best of all, internship experience in broadcasting is essential and valued when it comes to applying for full-time jobs in the field after graduation.

In addition to the critical skills communications majors develop during college, they also benefit from the more specialized hands-on experience that can only result from an internship. By taking on one or more internships during your time in college, you’ll be able to learn more about your options and find a career path that’s right for you.

Next, learn more about this college major such as What is a Communications Major and is it Right for Me? and get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as Top 10 Things You Should Look for In an Internship.

What is an Arts Major and is it Right for Me?

Did you love art class as a kid? Do you use every inch of paper to doodle? Do you love visiting interesting museums and exhibits? Do you look at the design of a website or graphic and wonder how it was made? If so, becoming an arts major in college may be right up your alley.

What is an arts major?

An arts major in an interdisciplinary major, weaving together multiple academic subjects like art history, painting, sculpture and photography. Additional areas of study include subjects like the business of visual arts and art therapy.

Is it right for me?

Before you start majoring in the visual arts, there are several important considerations to think about. Arts major don’t necessarily create art all the time, and there could be financial ramifications as well.

Here are several key questions to ask yourself before you officially declare yourself an arts major:

  • Am I prepared for the financial costs of being an arts major, including paying for art supplies or traveling to museums or exhibits and paying fees for those?
  • Am I okay with taking academic classes as well as art classes?
  • Do I have a thick skin? Am I able to take and incorporate constructive criticism I receive from professors and peers?
  • Am I prepared to spend much of my course of academic study alone working on my art?
  • Do I enjoy spending a great deal of time visiting museums and exhibits and looking for inspiration elsewhere?

What can I do with an arts degree?

Just because you major in visual arts doesn’t necessarily mean you have to become a “starving artist,” creating your own exhibits and selling pieces. While that’s definitely a valid career option, there are other ways to make your arts degree applicable.

Some potential career paths include:

  • art professor
  • art therapist
  • graphic designer
  • advertising executive
  • art critic
  • fashion designer
  • textile designer
  • museum, gallery or exhibit curator
  • art educator
  • gallery owner
  • filmmaker
  • photographer
  • photojournalist

What do artists earn?

Pursuing a career in visual arts isn’t necessarily known to be lucrative, and salaries vary wildly depending on where you live, what you do and how much work you take on at any given time.

“Fine artists” like painters, sculptors and illustrators usually make starting salaries around $40,000-$60,000 if they have steady work, whereas people in other art-related careers may make more or less depending on the type of work and how consistent it is (for example, the average annual salary for a graphic designer is $41,000 a year while the average salary for a museum curator is $53,000).

Next, learn more about this college major such as Computer Science and get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as How to Get a Letter of Recommendation.

How to Pick an MBA Program

Picking an MBA program is one of the most important decisions you can make when it comes to your career. Designed to improve your understanding of business administration and help you develop managerial, analytical and problem-solving skills, an MBA program will make you a competitive candidate in almost any industry. So how can you ensure that you’re picking a great program and taking every factor into account? The answer is to have a solid game plan in place before you start your applications.

Here are the key steps to take when selecting an MBA program.

1. Determine what you want from an MBA program

In order to get the most from any MBA program, you need a clear, focused goal. This means having a strong sense of what you want to do with your degree and finding a program that will help you develop the skills you need to get there. For example, if you’re interested in working in a particular industry, you may find that a specialized MBA program in an area like marketing, accounting or human resources might be good be a good fit for you. On the other hand, if you’re not sure how you want to apply your MBA degree, a general MBA program could be a better fit, particularly if you’re in the process of changing careers or considering doing so at some point down the line.

2. Research different types of MBA programs

Once you have a sense of what you want to get out of your MBA program, it’s time to start researching different types of programs. This includes learning about more specialized types of MBA degrees, looking at both part-time and full-time options to determine which one fits your schedule and also determining whether you want to go with a traditional program or an online one. Although you might already have a clear idea of what type of program you want to pursue, doing this type of research will ensure that you’re making a truly informed decision and finding the program that best fits your needs.

3. Ask for advice from current MBA candidates and graduates

Getting advice from other MBA candidates is a great way to gain a better understanding of different programs and to find out what you can expect from business school in general. The best way to approach this is by reaching out to friends or peers who are currently enrolled in an MBA program or have recently graduated from one. If you don’t have any friends in business school, that’s okay too. You can ask program administrators at school you’re considering to put you in touch with a current MBA candidate who can answer your questions.

4. Pick an MBA program that closely matches your needs

With all the information in place, it’s time to assess the different programs you’re considering and find the one that best fits your needs. This means taking into account your schedule, goals and personal finances and determining which programs work best for you. Although you’ll undoubtedly have a top choice, be sure to apply to at least three to five programs to give yourself the best chance of success.

Picking an MBA program requires a focused approach and an open mind. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to find the one that’s right for you.

Next, learn more about grad school such as How an MBA Program Works and get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as How to Set Great Internship or Job Goals.

Using Social Media to Network Online

Did you know social media is an easy and effective way to network with peers and hiring managers? But where should you focus your time online while networking and what’s the process for using online platforms to network? At WayUp’s Internship Hangout on Google+, hiring managers from Nestle Purina and Google share the benefits of networking through social media and how to go about using the online mediums for networking.

Social Media Networking Online Video Transcription

Brook Lashley, Sourcing Strategies Manager, Nestle Purina:

So, many of these logos are going to be very familiar to you. These networks are your opportunity for constant connections. So it’s not necessarily that you meet someone at an event, and you take a business card anymore. You are connected with these people electronically, through technology, and you can keep in touch with them over a time which is extremely beneficial for you.

Companies are becoming more and more active in the social realm. Leverage your social sites for your career networking. It’s huge. Try to engage in these networks as frequently as possible. 88.9% of companies that are using social media. And of that group, over 55% of those use Facebook. So keep in mind, companies are leveraging Facebook for their actual college recruitment and entry-level recruitment.

So it’s very important that you guys think through how you might be able to leverage Facebook, specifically. Twitter is growing leaps and bounds and you’ll see the data off to the right here. 11 Twitter accounts are created every second, so that is a huge, huge, huge size increase. And really about 13% of Twitter users are volunteer demographics, specifically.

LinkedIn is the number one professional social network. It has over a hundred and 35 million users on it, and over two million companies have pages, or profile pages, on LinkedIn.

Jeff Moore, Lead Engineering Recruiter, Google:

I tell a ton of students, “Have you got a LinkedIn account yet?” And they look at me like I’m crazy. And it’s like, you’re meeting people as a freshman, as a senior in high school, what have you, you’re meeting people all the time that you don’t know where they’re gonna be in a year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years.

Maybe you’ll remember that dude sat next to in an English class and now he’s a CEO of some cool company and he’s looking for a person just like you.

Brook Lashley, Sourcing Strategies Manager, Nestle Purina:

This I cannot stress enough is an excellent resource for students. So, companies like Nestle Purina buy into contracts with LinkedIn where we can run searches around specific skill sets or areas of focus, like your major. And when we have internships and entry-level opportunities of it available, we’ll go out to that database, and we’ll do searches, and we’ll contact students like you letting you guys know that we have these opportunities.

Dana Suhre, Senior Recruitment Specialist, Nestle Purina:

So we recommend joining industry-specific LinkedIn groups. This will allow you to learn and interact with those functional specific individuals. And it’ll really help you be able to follow those discussions on trends that may be happening within the industry and express more specifically open positions that may be happening within your target employers.

There’s a really good chance that within employers that there are alums from your school, from your alma mater, or your current school that you can reach out to, and that’s a great way to get connected connected with the most relevant people within the organization.

Jeff Moore, Lead Engineering Recruiter, Google:

The way the world works now, with you know, social networking and all these sites like this, you’ve got to grab that stuff by the horns. I mean I look back when I was in school. We barely had the internet. And that’s a much different deal than students today. And so taking that opportunity to start building your network from day one is just the biggest thing I could tell you to do.

Next, get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as What is an Internship? and find answers to common interview questions such as What’s Your Dream Job?