Search Results for "internship"

What is a Minor?

A minor is a specialization or concentration that may or may not complement your college major....

How to Dress for a Job Interview at a Nonprofit

Unlike other business fields that have more clearly defined dress codes (such as a startup or...

How to Answer: Are You Willing to Relocate?

“Are you willing to relocate?” is one of the common interview questions you should be prepared...

How to Grow Your Professional Network

Growing your professional network as a student or recent grad is one of the best ways...

Entry-Level Graphic Design Job Guide

Junior graphic designers are problem solvers that communicate through visual mediums. In other words, they create...

10 Tips for the Perfect Cover Letter

If you’re applying for internships or entry-level jobs, you may be wondering how and when to...

How to Answer: How Do You Handle Pressure?

You’ve started preparing for your interview and you can clearly articulate what motivates you, and the...

How to Answer: Tell Me About an Accomplishment That You’re Most Proud Of

One of the keys to a successful job interview is being able to highlight your accomplishments....

What to Do After You Get a Job Offer

Nice work! You got a job offer. However, before you celebrate too much, it's important to...

How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Work Here?

One of the most common job interview questions you will encounter is fairly straightforward: “Why do...


Each Wednesday we’ll send you tips that will help you get hired!