Writing a blog post on why you would like to work at a company is a brilliant way to stand out. A blog post application serves two purposes:
1.) It demonstrates that you understand and know how to use important online marketing and communication tools.
2.) The medium itself allows you to express a voice and excitement for a company in a manner that is much stronger and more powerful than a traditional cover letter.
There are two easy to use services for writing a blog post on — Tumblr and WordPress!
takes only a few seconds to setup and is built to allow to get applying quickly.
is more customizable, a little more complex to setup, but has a ton of additional tools and features to help you standout. It is also more commonly used by companies so is more helpful in teaching you the right skills when applying for a marketing or communications role.
This blog post by Lisa Petrilli explains 4 ways your blog can succeed in making you standout and offers additional insight on why this strategy can be effective.