Top Culture Fit Questions

How to Answer: Why Did You Choose to Attend This University or College?

“Why did you choose to attend this university or college?” is one of the questions you may encounter during an interview for an entry-level job or internship. This question is designed to help employers understand your values and how you make major life decisions. The key to answering it effectively is showing that you’re proactively thinking about your future career path and that you picked your school after careful consideration.

Here are some things to keep in mind when coming up with your answer.

Talk about what makes your college or university a good fit for you.

Whether you originally picked the school because it offered a great curriculum for your chosen major, had an incredible faculty or was the most affordable school in your state, you likely put some thought into picking the place where you were going to spend the next four years. When preparing your answer, mention one or two key things that led to your decision and show how these things have shaped your experience at the school.

Say something like: “I originally chose to attend XYZ University because ______________. During the time I’ve spent there, I’ve been lucky enough to have access to ______________. My education has given me a solid foundation for a career in _________ and I’m so glad I made the decision to go to school there.”

Pro Tip: If your college or university was your first choice because it was the only school you applied to, don’t mention that. Instead, focus on why it was your only choice. Maybe it offered a comprehensive scholarship program, the campus was close to your hometown or going there was a family tradition. Lead with that and then explain the additional benefits you’ve gained during your time there.

Show how your choice of school connects with your choice of career.

Once you’ve established the process that led you to attend your chosen college or university, connect this back to the job opportunity you’re applying for. If your major doesn’t directly relate to the position, talk about relevant skills you’ve learned through electives or experience you’ve gained through internships. Since employers are interested in how you evaluate opportunities and make decisions, showing that you’ve thoughtfully considered the current opportunity will reassure them that you’re committed to the position and the organization.

Say something like: “The experiences I’ve had at XYZ University have also shaped my decision to apply for this position. I want a role that will allow me to put the things I’ve learned into practice and develop my skills even further. I know that this position would be a good fit for me and I’m excited about the possibility of joining the team.”

Now bring it all together.

“I originally chose to attend XYZ University because ______________. During the time I’ve spent there, I’ve been lucky enough to have access to ______________. My education has given me a solid foundation for a career in _________ and I’m so glad I made the decision to go to school there. The experiences I’ve had at XYZ University have also shaped my decision to apply for this position. I want a role that will allow me to put the things I’ve learned into practice and develop my skills even further. I know that this position would be a good fit for me and I’m excited about the possibility of joining the team.”

Whether you’ve chosen to attend a small liberal arts college or large university, your choice of school can tell an interviewer a lot about you. Answering “Why did you choose to attend this university or college?” is a great opportunity to show the hiring manager that you take big decisions seriously and that you’ve put some serious thought into your college experience and professional career.

Next, get more career tips for internships and entry-level jobs such as How to Become a Recruiter and find answers to common interview questions such as How Do You Handle Pressure?.